
安德!!!大摇赫海旗!!漫威 妖精celf

跟莫里亚蒂约定好在巴茨医院的楼顶会面.刚见到他时,他就坐在医院楼顶上,看着街上的人群。JM"Well.Here we are at last."
"you and me,Sherlock."
"And our problem.The final problem."

我站在离他不远处思考着他之前来找我时,在膝盖上打的代码。莫里亚蒂看到我放在背后打着代码的手"good,You actually know it."
"some cobe,binary cobe.Hit your knee once,that is one,the other is zero."
"I can kill Rich Brook and bring back Jim Moriaty."
"There is no key.Doofus!!!"被莫里亚蒂臭骂了一顿。"You always want everything to be clever!"这一切都在我的意想之外,莫里亚蒂怎么可能会胡乱弄些代码。这要不是一些代码、英文、数字,要不是就真的只是莫里亚蒂在玩。
"Shall we finish the game?One final act.Come on.Do it."
"What?Do what."
"Go downstairs or your friends will leave you.And I will be punished by you."
"John?"我抓住他的衣领,把他推到边缘,莫里亚蒂邪恶的笑着对我说"Not only John.Everyone.""Mrs.Hudson?""Nah.Everyone."他继续邪恶的笑着."Lestrade?"
"Three bullets,three gunmen,three victims.Do it.Or your friends will be death."听到他说如果我不跳下去,完成莫里亚蒂这一出戏,我的朋友们将会死去。I am afraid.I don't know whay to do.

"What!What did i miss!"
"I am you."
"Nah.You are not."我居高临下地看着他,他回想了下。
"No.I am you!Sherlock Holmes."他伸出手想要跟我这个神探夏洛克握手,我跟他握了手。他掏出抢张开嘴,在嘴里开枪,我迅速松开握住他的手。

"Sherlock!Are you okay?"
"Turn around and walk back the way you came."
"I am coming in."
"Just do as I ask!Please..."
"Stop there!"
"OK.Look up.I am on the rooftop."
"I..I can't come down,so we'll just have to do it like this."
"what's going on."
"An apology.It's all truth."
"Everything they said about me.I invented Moriaty..."
"Why are you saying this."
"I'm a fake."
"The newspapers were right all along.I want you to tell Lestrade,I want you to tell Mrs Hudson and Molly.In fact,tell anyone who will listen to you.....That i created Moriaty for my own purposes."我已经是哭腔,我正在走向死亡。
"OK,shut up Sherlock.Shut up.The first time we met...The first time we met,you knew all about my sister,right?"
"Nobody could be that clever."
"You could."
"I researched you.Before we met,I discovered everything that I could to impress you.It's a trick.Just a magic trick."
"No.All right,stop it now."
"No.Stay exactly where you are.Don't move."伸出手想要制止John走到别的地方去。
"All right."John举起手表示无奈。
"Keep your eyes fixed on me.Please,will you do it for me?"
"Do what."我知道,他很疑惑。
"This phone call,it's...er.It's my note."我快要哭出来了。
"Leave a note?Leave a note when!"在电话里听到他很激动,或许不能用激动来形容。

I am dead.There's no such thing as Sherlock in the world...


